
National Emergency Management Organization

" Preserving Life and Property"

Damage Assessment & Needs Analysis Training for Belmopan & Surrounding Communities

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As Hurricane Season 2019 approaches, the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) is stepping up its preparations, constantly assessing and enhancing its state of readiness. Today, May 28, 2019, more than 20 persons from Belmopan and surrounding communities participated in a Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANA) Workshop.

This is to better prepare them, in the event of a disaster, to make an accurate assessment of the damage caused and the needs of those affected, both immediate and long term, so that the relief and assistance provided is adequately and rationally distributed.

Main presenter at the workshop was National Liaison Officer for the Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis Committee, Tennille Williams. Participants included village chairpersons and community leaders who serve on the various local emergency committees. They were also joined by NEMO District Coordinators for Belmopan and surrounding communities, as well as key personnel from NEMO Headquarters.

This is one in a series of workshops and other standard NEMO activities being conducted countrywide in preparation for the start of the new Hurricane Season on June 1, 2019. 

Minister of National Emergency Management, Honorable Edmond Castro thanks all those who are attending these workshops, and who continue to serve their community and country in times of need, recognizing that only through such selfless service by community leaders and volunteers nationwide can disaster management be truly effective.