
National Emergency Management Organization

" Preserving Life and Property"

Day Two of Disaster Management Training through NEMO/United Nations Partnership

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Currently underway at Dream Valley Resort in Teakettle, Cayo District is day two of a three-day training workshop conducted by NEMO and the United Nations’ Emergency Task Team.Attended by NEMO National & District Committee members and other stakeholders, it covers gender equality in the context of Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change adaption in the execution of Emergency Management duties, Emergency Care for the vulnerable in times of disaster, and Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANA) aimed at improving capacity in providing sector reports as part and parcel of the national report to meet international standard.

A key presenter is Tisa Grant, Liaison Officer for United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) Caribbean. Minister of National Emergency Management Hon Edmond Castro will address participants, organizers and presenters this afternoon.

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