
National Emergency Management Organization

" Preserving Life and Property"

Tropical Storm Earl Advisory 5

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NEMO hereby informs that Tropical Storm Earl has formed in the Central Caribbean.  TS Earl is moving due west at 22 mph with winds of 47 mph.  Present location is 16.3 north latitude and 80.2 west longitude. The system is likely to make landfall on Wednesday night/ early Thursday morning.   Tropical Storm have the potential for further development into a Category 1 Hurricane.

NEMO hereby declares Phase 2, one red flag with black centre is to be flown.   A Tropical Storm Warning/ Hurricane watch is in effect for Belize.  This means that within 24 hours’ time we should experience rough seas, wind gusts in excess of 50 miles per hour and continuous rainfall along the coast drifting westward over Belize.   We are anticipating storm surge of about 2-4 feet high and up to 16 inches of rainfall which can result in extreme flood conditions.

Likely damages associated with these conditions are flooding of crops, uprooting of trees, destruction to poorly constructed and older timber buildings; loose items becoming projectiles damaging windows and doors.  Broken glass, exposed nails, wood splinters and down power lines are dangerous; coastal roads will experience flooding and minor piers could suffer damage, boats can be washed away; damage to power lines and poles could result in power outages.  Flooding pose a direct threat to life, contaminated water and sanitation systems poses serious health risks.

Actions being taken by NEMO.

  • All national and district committees have been activated and are conducting their implementation meeting.
  • Boats, buses and shelters being prepared to evacuate, transport people from the cayes and receive people in Belize City who need to shelter on the mainland.
  • San Pedro committee, CEMO and NEMO in Belmopan will be opening shelters in the morning for people to weather the storm. Public Officers assigned Shelter duties in these communities are to report to their Human Resource Coordinator.
  • All National Liaison Officers to report to the National Emergency Operations Centre, NEMO building for 1:00 p.m. today.

Actions to be carried out by the public.

  • Listen to the advisories.  Stay alert.
  • Parents are hereby urged to check on their children and family members on vacation, make sure they are safe.
  • All who need to evacuate, put your evacuation plan into action. If it is not safe where you are be it the cayes or along the coast, move to the mainland. It is advisable if you will leave the cayes, do so starting today.
  • If you are going to shelter know which shelter you will go to and how you will get there.  Take along your food, water, medications, and personal hygiene items so you can survive and weather the storm for a few days.
  • If you live in a flood prone area and along the coast and your home is not safe you are strongly advised to move early to a shelter in your area.
  • Residents and local authorities are encouraged to quickly organize and clear drains that can reduce flooding in their area.  Start putting your emergency plan in place. Stock up on food, water, medication and shutter your home.
  • Mariners especially small craft must seek safe harbour /stay in port within 24 hours. Note. Cruise ships have already diverted from our area.  Water Taxis are to monitor sea state conditions and be prepared to cease operations in accordance with seas state and safety of life at sea conditions.

NEMO urges all to remain alert but calm.      Do not listen to rumours!  Listen to your local radio and television for further advisories from NEMO and the National Met Service.


. :-End of Release:-